Using custom fonts inside the course player

Power Style Quick Start Guide - Quick Win #2

Time to PowerUp your student experience with your own set of fonts

There are 3 settings for each heading type 1-4 and can be controlled independently.

  • Drop down: Choose Custom Color or Font if you want to change the font+color otherwise it will use the default

  • Color: Choose the color when Custom Color or Font is selected, otherwise it will be ignored

  • Font Family: This is where you would paste the font family name (font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive;). This is only applied when you have Choose Custom Color or Font setting.

Keep the tab open as we will need one more piece of info in a second.

🤩 plaYEAH! your player got some new fonts! Nice job!.

Pro Tip: If you use a lot of "text lessons" or use "text under video" in your courses you know what a pain in the you know where, it is to have to create consistant style across all of these lessons. And heavens forbid, if you want to change colors or fonts, then you would have to spend a 💩 load of time changing that in every single course. Unless you know about the next Quick Win in your plaYEAH! super powers belt. 🦸

Last updated